Purāṇāla asalu svarūpamu- Manakōsaṁ mana purāṇa kathalu Day 9
00:00:00 Start, Dhyāna ślōka’s
00:03:35 Recap
00:09:00 Dēvata vijñānaṁ
00:14:57 Purāṇāllō Jyōtiṣyaṁ
00:19:34 Purāṇanlō vāstuvijñānaṁ
00:24:32 Pratima śāstraṁ
00:32:15 Ēkādaśarudrulu, Aditya devathalu
00:39:09 Pitr̥dēvatalu
00:46:07 Aṣṭavasuvulu
00:47:34 Aśvinī dēvatalu
00:50:11 Upāsana mūrtulu
00:53:33 Different Kinds of Charitable Gifts
01:00:54 Dialogue between Nārada and Sutanu
01:09:08 Who knows Mātṛkā (‘alphabet’)?
01:13:30 The concept of Matrika- riow many types? What are the syllables?
01:23:16 Who knows the five times five wonderful house?
01:27:26 Which man of the world knows the Citrakathābandha
01:28:01 Who knows the great crocodile of the ocean?
01:31:50 The eightfold Brāhmaṇahood
01:35:09 Who knows the first day of the advent of each Manvantara?
01:37:50 Who knows that which causes affliction to all living beings
01:39:45 Expounds the two paths?
01:51:20 Felicitation of Sri Gurudeva