Safar With Sameer Episode 4 || Namrata Shrestha
Today, we have a very special guest on safar with sameer episode 4 —Miss Nepal(2020) Namrata shrestha! Not only is she a celebrated beauty queen, but she is also making waves in the film industry as an actress. Currently, she is working on a new movie, while also hosting The Shows ( comedy durbar). In this exclusive podcast episode, she opens up about spirituality, love, and life’s journey like never before. This is a one-time-only conversation that you won’t find anywhere else—only on Safar With sameer !Tune in for an inspiring and heartfelt discussion.
Special Thanks
Sutra TV HD
Keshav Khadka
Namrata Shrestha
Prabhakar Pokharel
Saugat Dahal
Edit | Color
Nishan Ghimire
Host | Director | Producer
Sameer Regmi
#NamrataShrestha #MissNepal2020 #RangiNepaliFilm #sutratv #SameerRegmi #cinema #cinematalk #nepalipodcast #nepalicontent #Safarwithsameer #nepalicinema #Comedydurbarhost #comedydarbar #namrashresthafilm #salonbasnet