Такие куклы в магазине не купишь😍Три чудесные куклы из носков🧦Попробуйте, у вас получится!❤️
You can't buy dolls like these in a store. Three wonderful dolls made of socks
- A colored sock (size 36-39)
- A pair of flesh-colored socks (size 36-39)
- Fabric
- Yarn
- Grosgrain ribbon
- Black beads for eyes
- White bead for nose
- Felt and cord for pacifier
- Synthetic padding
- 2 beige socks (size 35-38)
- 1 colored sock (size 36-40)
- Fabric
- Lace
- Yarn (hair)
- Black beads (eyes)
- White bead (nose)
- Thin rope or cord with pom-poms
- Mouline thread
- Strong cotton thread for connecting hands
- Synthetic padding
- Cardboard
- Socks (size 36-38)
- Fabric for dress
- Fabric for hair
- Lace
- Beads for eyes
- Bead for nose
- Lace
- Mouline thread
- Synthetic padding
- Ribbon