Our guest, Geta Walelign , is a clinical Psychologist, and consultant. On this episode we discussed various topics on mental health. We tried to cover topics including society and our mind, major mental illnesses, what causes them, how to prevent them, how we treat them and more. Geta also gave us an insight to the life of a clinical psychologist. Enjoy!
መሰላል | Meselal Tube 👇👇👇
00:00 መግቢያ
2:32 Abyssinia Computech - Ad
7:06 ጌታ ዋለልኝ
10:13 Clinical psychology, sociology, counselling
12:34 What is anxiety and depression
17:44 Causes of anxiety and depressions (biological, psychological, social factors)
27:44 Religions and spirituality in mental health
33:57 Social anxiety and Phobia
40:47 Does affirmation work?
54:14 እራስን ማጥፋት
1:01:31 ጓድኝነት እና የውጪ ተጽእኖ
1:14:42 ወንዶች ሴትን የማይቀርቡበት ምክኒያት (Porn addiction)
1:22:00 በsex አለመጣጣም
1:32:47 ሱሶችን ማቆም
1:46:22 Psychology might not be an exact science
1:53:55 Trauma
2:00:38 Psychopathy and narcissistic personality
2:07:13 ሰው መጥፎ ጎን አለው - Trauma free
2:17:16 Social Media
2:24:55 Client confidentiality
2:29:20 yenebse abat
2:34:52 ትዳር ያስፈራል
2:46:59 የአሁኑ ትውልድ ለትዳር ያለው አቀባበል
2:53:41 የትዳር ዝግመተ ልውጥ
2:58:35 መውጫ
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