加拿大皇家空軍(英文:Royal Canadian Air Force,RCAF;法文:Aviation Royale Canadienne),前稱加拿大空軍司令部(Canadian Forces Air Command),是現加拿大軍隊(Canadian Armed Forces)三軍之一,受命於空軍參謀長Michael Hood中將。皇家加拿大空軍有正規軍14,500人和預備役2,600人,並有2,500名平民支持。
以加拿大空軍(1920-1924)之名成立於1920年,當時只是個非固定性的軍事單位,它於1923年併入國防部。後英國國王喬治五世於1924年賜皇家名銜,此時加拿大國防部下設三個與飛安相關的單位:加拿大皇家空軍、民間暨政府空中作業局與民航管制局。 [3]1968年,與加拿大陸軍以及皇家加拿大海軍合入加拿大軍隊(Canadian Armed Forces),並被分為空防司令部和空運司令部。 1975年,此兩司令部合併成加拿大空軍司令部。 2011年8月16日,復名“皇家加拿大空軍”。
在其歷史中,加拿大皇家空軍參與了二戰、韓戰、第一次波斯灣戰爭和若干聯合國維和與北約行動。 20世紀後半葉,它亦在西歐駐軍。
Royal Canadian Air Force (English: Royal Canadian Air Force, RCAF; French: Aviation Royale Canadienne), formerly known as the Canadian Air Forces Command (Canadian Forces Air Command), is one of the three armies of the current Canadian Armed Forces, and is ordered by the Air Force Staff. Lt. Gen. Michael Hood. The Royal Canadian Air Force has 14,500 regulars and 2,600 reserves, supported by 2,500 civilians.
Founded in 1920 as a non-fixed military unit under the name of the Canadian Air Force (1920-1924), it was incorporated into the Ministry of Defence in 1923. After the British King George V bestowed the royal title in 1924, at this time the Canadian Ministry of Defence had three units related to flight safety: the Royal Canadian Air Force, the Civil and Government Air Operations Bureau and the Civil Aviation Control Authority. [3] In 1968, it joined the Canadian Army and the Royal Canadian Navy into the Canadian Armed Forces (Canadian Armed Forces), and was divided into the Air Defense Command and the Airlift Command. In 1975, the two commands merged into the Canadian Air Force Command. On August 16, 2011, it was renamed "Royal Canadian Air Force".
Throughout its history, the Royal Canadian Air Force has participated in World War II, the Korean War, the First Persian Gulf War and several UN peacekeeping and NATO operations. It was also stationed in Western Europe in the second half of the 20th century.