About This Video:
What is illusion and why is this world called illusion? The world that appears to us to be true is actually a web of illusion. Both the happiness and sorrow that come in life are born of illusion. The situation or thing that gives us happiness at one moment can also become the cause of our sadness at the next moment.
What is the solution to escape from this illusion? Can satsang and the company of saints and sages help us in getting out of this illusory trap?
मायाजाल क्या है और इस संसार को क्यों मायाजाल कहा गया है? जो संसार हमें सत्य प्रतीत होता है, वास्तव में वह माया का जाल ही है । जीवन में आने वाले सुख और दुख दोनों माया जनित है। एक पल में जो स्थिति या वस्तु हमें सुख देती है वहीं दूसरे पल वही स्थिति और वस्तु हमारे दुख का कारण भी बन सकती है।
इस मायाजाल से बचने का क्या उपाय है? क्या सत्संग और संत महात्माओं का संग इस मायाजाल से बाहर निकलने में हमारी कोई सहायता कर सकता है?
Navratri Ka Aathava Din Mata Mahagauri:
karam ka Siddhant:
Manav Mai Sadbhavana kaise Ho:
Aatma Gyan:
Guru Charno Ki Bhakti:
Aanand ka Shrot - Dhyan:
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#manavdharam #MahatmaSuvidyaBaiJi #MayaJaalSeMuktJiwanKoKaiseSamjhen? #SatpalJiMaharaj #Satsang #meditation
About us :
Manav Dharam acknowledges the presence of God within every being. It is the attainment of self-realisation by embodying kindness, compassion, love and equality towards the entire creation, and the practical experience of God within ourselves. Manav Dharam is based on the simple fact that we are all energised by a supreme power, irrespective of our differences like caste, creed, colour, sex, and religion. Manav Utthan Sewa Samiti is a registered voluntary social welfare and charitable organisation with the primary aim to provide social service to society under the inspirational guidance of Spiritual Master Shri Satpal Ji Maharaj.