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We warmly invite you to contribute generously to the construction of the Kriyayog Ashram, a sacred space devoted to fostering peace and spiritual growth. - SSKA@UPI
00:00 - Introduction (परिचय)
01:08 - The word 'KRIYAYOGA' meaning (क्रियायोग का शाब्दिक अर्थ)
02:45 - Kriyayoga origin by Mahavatar Babaji (कलयुग में महावातार बाबाजी द्वारा दिया गया विलुप्त ज्ञान - क्रियायोग)
03:15 - Kriyayoga by Shree Krishna in Bhagwad Geeta (श्रीमदभगवद गीता में श्री कृष्ण द्वारा क्रियायोगका ज्ञान)
06:25 - Kriyayoga by Maharishi Patanjali (महर्षि पतंजलि द्वारा प्रदत्त क्रियायोग)
09:16 - Kriyayoga by Shree Yukteshwar Giri Ji (श्री युक्तेश्वर गिरी जी द्वारा प्रदत्त क्रियायोग)
12:40 - Human Brain Development (मानवीय मस्तिष्क का विकास)
16:15 - Swapn Shwas (स्वप्न श्वास)
28:20 - Shankaracharya's famous - Atmabodha (शंकराचार्य जी की सुप्रसिद्ध - आत्मबोध)
29:00 - A real yogi can overcome the physical desires (सच्चे योगी शारीरिक इच्छाओं से परे होते हैं)
31:30 - Ashram Construction (आश्रम निर्माण)
In this chapter, Yogananda introduces Kriya Yoga as a powerful and sacred yogic technique that accelerates spiritual evolution. He describes it as a tool to attain deep meditation and connect directly with the divine. The practice of Kriya Yoga enables individuals to purify their consciousness and attain higher states of awareness.
Yogananda explains that Kriya Yoga is based on controlling the life force, or prana, within the body. By focusing the mind and directing the breath in a specific way, Kriya practitioners are able to reverse the normal flow of energy, directing it inward and upward to awaken higher consciousness. It is likened to a scientific method of God-realization, where the goal is to liberate oneself from the cycles of birth and death.
Kriya and Prana Control:
Yogananda elaborates on how Kriya Yoga works by controlling the prana through breath regulation. He describes how the practice calms the mind and elevates spiritual awareness by harmonizing the mind and body. By practicing Kriya Yoga, one can reduce the influence of karma and the fluctuations of the ego, leading to spiritual freedom.
Transmission Through Guru Lineage:
The technique of Kriya Yoga is passed down through a lineage of realized masters, starting from Mahavatar Babaji to Lahiri Mahasaya, then to Swami Yukteswar, and finally to Yogananda himself. Yogananda emphasizes the importance of a guru in the transmission of this sacred practice, as the blessings and grace of the master help to awaken the disciple’s inner potential.
Personal Experience and Miracles:
In this chapter, Yogananda shares personal stories of his own experiences with Kriya Yoga and the miraculous effects it had on his spiritual journey. He narrates how the practice transformed his life, bringing profound peace, wisdom, and divine love. He also recounts the experiences of others who achieved self-realization and witnessed miraculous events through Kriya
Yogananda presents Kriya not just as a Hindu practice but as a universal technique that transcends religious boundaries. He emphasizes that Kriya Yoga is a direct way to experience God and is suitable for anyone, regardless of religious background, who is seeking a deeper connection with the divine.
#KriyaYoga #Yogananda #SwamiYukteswar #LahiriMahasaya #MahavatarBabaji #Meditation #SpiritualPractice #YogaSadhana #SelfRealization #InnerPeace #AutobiographyOfAYogi #DivineConsciousness #BreathControl #EnergyFlow #Mindfulness #Pranayama #SpiritualAwakening #HigherConsciousness #KundaliniAwakening #SoulJourney #YogaForLife #SupremeGuru #SpiritualGrowth #YogicWisdom #InnerJourney #Dhyaan #SacredPractice #AwakenTheDivine #MasterYourBreath #SoulConnection #KriyaPath #DivineMeditation #YogaAndMeditation #Oneness #SahastrarSadhna #YogicTradition #EternalBliss #GuruParampara #CosmicEnergy #KarmaAndDharma #ConsciousLiving #PathToGod #BlissWithin #SadhanaJourney #SacredBreath #YogaOfTheSoul #LifeForceEnergy #SpiritualPath #PranaHealing #LightAndLove #YogaForTheSoul #क्रियायोग #योगानंद #स्वामीयुक्तेश्वर #लाहिड़ीमहाशय #महावतारबाबाजी #ध्यान #आध्यात्मिकअभ्यास #योगसाधना #आत्मसाक्षात्कार #आंतरिकशांति #योगीकीआत्मकथा #दिव्यचेतना #श्वासनियंत्रण #ऊर्जासंचार #सचेतना #प्राणायाम #आध्यात्मिकजागृति #उच्चचेतना #कुंडलिनीजागरण #आत्मायात्रा #योगजीवन #परमगुरु #आध्यात्मिकविकास #योगिकज्ञान #आंतरिकयात्रा #ध्यानअभ्यास #पवित्रअभ्यास #दिव्यजागरण #श्वासनियंत्रण #आत्मासंबंध #क्रियायोगपथ #दिव्यध्यान #योगध्यान #एकत्व #सहस्रारसाधना #योगपरंपरा #शाश्वतआनंद #गुरुपरंपरा #ब्रह्मांडीयऊर्जा #कर्मऔरधर्म #सचेतजीवन #ईश्वरतकपथ #आंतरिकआनंद #साधनायात्रा #पवित्रश्वास #आत्मयोग #जीवनऊर्जा #आध्यात्मिकमार्ग #प्राणउपचार #प्रकाशऔरप्रेम #आत्मायोग
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