米国に滞在する日本人又は日本に滞在する米国永住権保持者やアメリカ人は、日本と米国、両国の税制を考慮しなくてはなりません。海外金融資産の報告、相続、贈与、出国税、適格年金、永住権の放棄など、その内容は複雑で、多岐にわたります。そんな人たちのために毎週お役に立つ内容のビデオをUpしています。ぜひご覧くださいませ。ビデオで見て、さらに質問されたいかたは、初回無料のRoadmap Session (25分)も受け付けています。下記からお申込みくださいませ。https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/Bookings@cdhcpa.com/bookings/
それ以外のご質問は、crossborder@cdhcpa.com までご連絡くださいませ。基本的にEmail、電話でのご質問は、すべてRoadmap Sessionでお答えをさせていただいております。
Foreign nationals residing in the United States or Americans living in foreign countries must consider both countries' tax systems. Reporting overseas financial assets, inheritance, gifts, departure taxes, qualified pensions, abandonment of permanent residency, etc., is complex and requires in-depth knowledge. We have a strong sense of mission to become "a guidepost for the lives of cross-border people and families" and work in a narrow field with a high degree of expertise. Others haven't touched it, so it's a pioneer. Contact us at crossborder@cdhcpa.com.
Please contact us if you aspire to be a professional in individual cross-border taxation. We will teach you how to be a good professional in this area.