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尼米茲號航空母艦 是一艘隸屬於美國海軍的核動力航空母艦 也是一系列尼米茲級核動力航空母艦的第一艘 尼米茲號於1972年5月13日正式下水 其艦名承襲自第二次世界大戰期間 曾擔任美國海軍太平洋艦隊指揮官 契斯特·尼米茲海軍五星上將 該艦目前仍是美國海軍重要的打擊武力平台 也是現今為止全世界最大型的軍艦之一 根據美國海軍最新規劃 該艦將於2027年除役 USS Nimitz aircraft carrier It is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier belonging to the United States Navy. It is also the first in a series of Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. The Nimitz was officially launched on May 13, 1972 The ship's name was inherited from the Second World War Served as commander of the U.S. Navy's Pacific Fleet Five-star Admiral Chester Nimitz The ship is still an important strike force platform for the U.S. Navy It is also one of the largest warships in the world so far. According to the latest plan of the U.S. Navy The ship will be decommissioned in 2027 介紹: 00:00 前言 00:32 內部剖析 04:14 飛機如何運作 09:17 戰斗狀態
