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中國河南開封市街頭小吃 夜市 重口味胡辣湯 傳統手工花生糕 香甜軟糯海栆糕 鍋盔搭配雙腸羊肉湯 大學生最喜歡的地道的炒涼粉和牛肉火燒 Citywalk 4K

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2024年2月16日 開封市 本期视频,来到了中国河南省開封市,開封不僅僅是一座歷史文化名城,更是一個美食天堂。開封菜作為豫菜的代表,以其悠久的歷史和獨特的風味吸引了無數食客。去了寺門正趕上哪裏店鋪改造,有些店鋪臨時搬遷。去了書店街裏面有很多美食老店,花生糕是開封的特產,來到這裏還看到手工製作花生糕的過程不枉此行。灌湯包 炒涼粉 羊腸湯 鍋盔 糕點 海栆糕 胡辣湯 烙餅 炒豆腐 開封的也是很有名,開封作為一座歷史悠久的城市,不僅有豐富的文化古蹟,還有熱鬧非凡的夜市文化。以下是開封幾個著名的夜市: 鼓樓夜市 地址:開封市鼓樓區鼓樓街 特色:開封最著名、規模最大的夜市,也是吃貨的天堂。這裡有各種開封特色小吃,如灌湯包、炒涼粉、羊肉炕馍等。夜市熱鬧非凡,人潮湧動,是體驗開封夜生活的好去處。 西司夜市 地址:開封市禹王台區西司大街 特色:歷史悠久的夜市,集中了開封各種特色小吃,價格合理。這裡有開封特色炒涼粉、杏仁茶、砂鍋、煎豆腐、羊肉炕馍等,都是不錯的選擇。 小宋城夜市 地址:開封市龍亭區夷山大街與宋城路交叉口 特色:仿宋建築風格,環境優美,除了各種小吃,還有表演和娛樂活動。 老河大夜市 地址:開封市順河區河南大學(老校區)附近 特色:以學生為主要消費群體,價格實惠,小吃種類豐富 AI翻譯 "In this episode, we've come to Kaifeng City in Henan Province, China. Kaifeng is not only a famous historical and cultural city, but also a gourmet paradise. Kaifeng cuisine, as the representative of Henan cuisine, attracts countless food lovers with its long history and unique flavor. When we went to the Temple Gate, we happened to encounter some store renovations, and some stores had temporarily moved. We went to the Bookstore Street, where there are many old restaurants with delicious food. Peanut cake is a specialty of Kaifeng. We also saw the process of making peanut cake by hand here, which made this trip worthwhile." Kaifeng is also very famous for its night markets. As a city with a long history, Kaifeng not only has rich cultural relics, but also a vibrant night market culture. Here are some of the famous night markets in Kaifeng Gulou Night Market: The largest and most famous night market in Kaifeng, Gulou Night Market is a great place to find a wide variety of local snacks and dishes. Xisi Night Market: Another popular night market, Xisi Night Market is known for its affordable prices and delicious food. Xiaosongcheng Night Market: Located in a traditional Chinese-style complex, Xiaosongcheng Night Market offers a unique atmosphere and a variety of food and entertainment options. 00:00 Intro 01:00 韭菜煎餅、葱油餅、水煎包、胡辣湯、紅豆南瓜粥、五香豆沫、玉米粥 04:09 手工烙饃 04:50 傳統糕點、海棗糕、油炸肉丸子、小酥肉、藕夾、豆腐 06:23 雙腸羊湯、鍋盔、小籠包子、扣碗黃燜鷄 10:37 豌豆糕、烏雲蓋雪貓咪、手工花生糕、棗花酥、鮮花餅、山楂鍋盔餅、牛舌餅、小麻花、糖炒山楂等 11:04 書店街夜市炕饃鐵板豆腐、杏仁茶、牛肉火燒、炒涼粉等 #morningmarket #foodmarket #traditionalfood #traditionalsnacks #travelvlog #chinesefood #chineseculture #chinesenewyear #china #henan #河南 #開封美食 #中國 #開封 #鼓樓 #food #夜市 #Chinatravel #中國自由行 #旅遊攻略 #廣東 #購物 #shunde #海鮮 #4k
