#澳門旅遊 #澳門景點 #澳門美食 #澳門賭場 #澳門文化 #澳門自由行 #澳門必去景點 #澳門旅遊攻略 #澳門美食推薦 #澳門旅遊建議
永利皇宮(Wynn Palace)
0:00 規劃自由行的困擾?
0:15 防疫規定?
0:30 想連香港一起玩
0:50 澳門地理組成
2:24 旅程中心得分享
3:00 酒店接駁車(免費)
3:15 跟澳門仔凱恩去吃喝玩樂
3:30 換匯跟消費
4:44 住宿
6:09 先在台灣買好網卡
6:34 離線下載澳門GOOGLE MAP
6:43 皇家金堡酒店
7:03 威尼斯人酒店
8:51 御龍酒店
9:16 賭場部分
11:29 旅程分享1 大三巴牌坊
12:41 永利澳門發財樹
14:02 巴黎人小巴黎鐵塔
15:05 永利皇宮水舞秀
15:31 威尼斯人貢多拉船
16:23 新濠影匯之星
16:40 氹仔官也街
18:03 瑪嘉烈蛋塔
18:28 義順雙皮燉奶
19:36 陳光記燒鵝
20:05 黃枝記麵店
Hello everyone, the theme of this video is "[Must-see before traveling freely in Macau in 2023!] Share your travel experience in Macau! Culture, food, casino, these things, do you know?"
The content of the video consists of three parts: practical advice and tips for traveling in Macau, introduction of must-see attractions in Macau, and sharing of Macau gourmet experiences.
In the video, you can get introductory information about Macau tourism, including Macau's unique culture, famous attractions, food recommendations, casino culture, etc. In addition, there are some suggestions for free travel in Macau to avoid pitfalls, so that you can plan your trip more smoothly journey. Whether you are a first-time visitor to Macau or someone who wants to experience the city again, I am confident that this video can provide useful information and suggestions for everyone planning a free trip to Macau, making your trip to Macau more colorful.