This video tries to serve as a guide for people who are new to driving to help them grasp the #UPPRunningTest, #PoliceEnduranceTest, #PoliceFitnessTest, #PoliceParade, #UPPTraining, #PolicePhysicalFitness, #PoliceAcademyTraining, #EnduranceTestPolice, #RunningTestPolice, #UPPPhysicalTest, #PoliceObstacleCourse, #UPPParade, #PoliceFitnessChallenge, #PoliceTrainingRoutine, #EnduranceRunningPolice, #PolicePhysicalEndurance, #UPPPoliceSkills, #PoliceParadeEvent, #LawEnforcementTraining, #PhysicalFitnessChallengePolice, #PoliceStrength, #PoliceTest, #UPPRun, #UPPEndurance, #PoliceTrainingProgram, #PhysicalTestPolice, #PoliceExercises, #UPPFitness, #PoliceTestPreparation, #EnduranceTest, #PoliceSpeedTest, #UPPObstacleCourse, #PoliceAthleticTest, #PoliceConditioning, #PoliceRunningSkills, #UPPPoliceEndurance, #FitnessTestPolice, #PhysicalChallenge, #PoliceTrainingTest, #LawEnforcementFitness, #UPPRunningChallenge, #UPPPoliceParade, #PoliceRecruitTest, #PoliceStrengthTest, #EnduranceChallenge, #UPPTest, #UPPEnduranceChallenge, #PolicePhysicalChallenge, #RunningChallenge, #UPPPoliceRunning, #PoliceTrainee, #PoliceRunning, #PoliceObstacle, #PoliceAcademyEndurance, #PoliceChallenge, #PoliceForceTraining, #UPPRunningSkills, #UPPParadeTraining, #LawEnforcementEndurance, #PoliceAgilityTest, #UPPPhysicalEnduranceTest, #UPPPhysicalChallenge, #PoliceTestSkills, #EnduranceTraining, #PoliceObstacles, #UPPTestPreparation, #PoliceForceTest, #UPPTrainingTest, #PoliceFitnessTraining, #UPPParadeChallenge, #PhysicalEndurance, #LawEnforcementChallenge, #UPPObstacle, #EndurancePoliceTraining, #PoliceTestEndurance, #PoliceSprintTest, #RunningSkillsPolice, #PoliceEnduranceSkills, #PoliceRunningChallenge, #UPPChallenge, #EnduranceTestPreparation, #PhysicalEnduranceChallenge, #PoliceTrainingEndurance, #UPPPoliceFitness, #PoliceAcademyTest, #UPPTestChallenge, #EnduranceTestPoliceAcademy, #PoliceObstaclesCourse, #PolicePhysicalConditioning, #LawEnforcementTest, #PolicePhysicalStrength, #UPPObstacleChallenge, #PoliceConditioningTest, #UPPEnduranceTestChallenge, #PoliceAcademyFitness, #RunningTestChallenge, #PoliceTrainingChallenge, #PoliceEnduranceObstacle, #PoliceSprintEndurance, #UPPObstacleTest, #PolicePhysicalSkills, #PoliceRunningTest, #UPPEndfundamentals of driving a vehicle to get them started without a lot of hassle, this video serves as a starter guide and covers almost all the basics, that one needs to know before touching the steering wheel, if you further doubts or confusions please mention them in the comments I would try to solve them at the earliest.
यह वीडियो उन लोगों के लिए एक मार्गदर्शक के रूप में काम करने की कोशिश करता है जो ड्राइविंग के लिए नए हैं, ताकि उन्हें वाहन चलाने के मूल सिद्धांतों को समझने में मदद मिल सके, ताकि वे बिना किसी परेशानी के शुरुआत कर सकें, यह वीडियो एक स्टार्टर गाइड के रूप में कार्य करता है और लगभग सभी मूल बातों को कवर करता है, जिन्हें स्टीयरिंग व्हील को छूने से पहले जानना आवश्यक है, यदि आपको और संदेह या भ्रम है तो कृपया उन्हें कमेंट में उल्लेख करें, मैं जल्द से जल्द उन्हें हल करने की कोशिश करूंगा।
#police #army #bachpan #ropeclimbing #maintenance #vardi#village #police #army #ropeclimbing #maintenance #security#awareness #cricket #automobile #village #police #army #running competition#taiyari Jeet ki#running general awareness#Naukri sarkari Naukri#result#preparation#practice#12 round #Garden#ground#performance#12 chakkar#1600 m#sprint#slow running #jogging #walking #boxing #running #physical training instructor #Inspector #B.Ed #JBT #School #Junior basic teacher#unit inspector#WTI #PTI #vehicle #automobile#2400 m 14 minut#4800 m 25 minut #Neet ##joint entrance examination #UPSC #upprb #NTPC #CLAT#NCC#Sainik School #RIMC#UP Sainik School#NDA#IMA#Indian military College#written examination#physical#endurance#endurance test#morning parade#holtparade last parade #awareness #cricket #automobileयह #village #police #army #running competition#taiyari Jeet ki#running #Garden#ground#performance#12 chakkar#1600 m#sprint#slow running #jogging #walking #boxing #running #physical trainingaUPP# sab inspector #SSC GD #upprb#SSC CGL Indian Air force a #Indian Navy#railway NTPC#uptate#CTETinstructor #Inspector #B.Ed #JBT #School #Junior basic teacher#unit inspector#WTI #PTI #vehicle #automobile#2400 m 14 minut#4800 m 25 minut #Neet ##joint entrance examination #UPSC #upprb #NTPC #CLAT#NCC#Sainik School #RIMC#UP Sainik School#NDA#IMA#Indian military College#written examination#physical#endurance#endurance test#morning parade#holtparade last parade
Youtube :- @PavanPandey34