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- 인스타그램: https://www.instagram.com/softdragon__/
- Chapter
0:00 중학생들의 발견
1:30 연구 결과
3:33 의의와 한계
4:55 어떻게 만들어졌나
6:08 앞으로의 미래
- 내용 출처
1.Jin Yi Tan et al, “Discovery of New Cyclic Lipodepsipeptide Orfamide N viaPartnership with Middle School Students from the Boys and GirlsClub”, ACS OMEGA, 2024 (doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.4c07459)
2.Carly Cassella, “Chicago School Kid Discovers New Cancer-Fighting Compound in Bird Poop”, Science Alert, 2024
3.EurekAlert, “How a middle schooler found a new compound in a piece of goose poop”, 2024
1. The Last Hero by Veaceslav Draganov
2. Footprints by Ardie Son
3. Fragility by Romeo