( 복습 대화 내용 : https://youtu.be/V-CHab2d0qw )
A: Did you all go together?
B: Oh, no. It was just Heather and the kids.
A: So, you were here all alone while your wife and kids were over there?
B: That’s right.
A: For a whole year?!
B: Mm-Hm.
A: Did you get (a chance) to visit them?
B: Yeah, but only a couple of times.
A: It must’ve been hard being away from your family like that.
B: It wasn’t so bad in the beginning, but yeah, it was (kind of hard) towards the end.
( 이번 영상에서 다루는 대화 내용 )
A: Are you all here together?
B: No. It’s just me and the kids.
A: Oh. So, your husband is back home all alone
while + your kids go to school here?
B: That’s right.
A: How long are you here for?
B: We’re here for a year and it’s been about 3 months.
(* about – more than – a little over – less than – almost – nearly)
A: Wow. All this for the kids, huh?
B: Well, if a parent is good for anything, right?
A: I see. So, how are you settling in?
B: Well, it hasn’t been easy for me but the kids are doing well. So, I’m happy.
(*are --→ seem to be)
A: It must be hard being away from your husband for so long.
B: A little bit. But at least I have a change of scenery. Plus/Besides, my sister lives here and that helps a lot.
A: Why don’t you have your husband visit you guys here?
B: We actually talked about that over the phone yesterday. So, I might.
A: That sounds great.
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