A tribute to Koji Kondo and an undying love for Ocarina of Time.
All samples originally from the Ocarina of Time OST (Koji Kondo) - save for the occasional synth/epiano/drum machine/guitar.
Mix is Polygon Dream - Zeldawave // 近藤 浩治 // OOT
*Available on vinyl, VHS, and cassette:*
(or stream it for free)
0:00 - Title Theme
2:28 - 開始 // Great Fairy's Fountain
4:43 - 迷いの森 // S a r i a
7:50 - Zelda's Lullaby
10:14 - Zora's Domain
12:04 - シーク (Sheik's Theme)
14:07 - Song of Storms
16:26 - Staff Credits // 終わり
Thanks for watching :)