राजाको समर्थनमा भारतीय जर्नेलको टिप्पणी , प्रचण्डले राखे घरमै गोप्य बैठक , राजा ढुक्क ।
Camera man : prakash shahi thakuri
Editor: prakash shahi thakuri
Gust: अनील याेगी
Video post time :5 to 7
#anilyogioffice #anilyogioffical #politics #kpoli #ravilamichhane #ganendrashahi #nepal #worldpolitics #durgaparsai #arjurana #modi #ganendrasha #surendrakc #anilyogioffical #jugeman gurung
#ravidai #gorkha #अनिलयोगी #kpoli #sansadtv
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