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अघोरी महाकाली शक्ति मंत्र | AGHORI MAHAKALI SHAKTI MANTRA | Health Wealth Success Joy Abundance
WARNING - Please do not use this Mantra to seek revenge or hurt someone.
Mantra - Sanskrit
कमले विमले
सुरते सुचिते
रुचिते रुचते
सविते सबिते
महिते महते
रविते रवते
कविते हविते
भवते भविते
Mantra - Transliteration in English
Mantra Meaning- Given within the video
Benefits of Mantra - For Meditation, Healing, Overcoming all types of Spiritual Possessions. The Mantra can also be Meditated upon for Good Health, Wisdom, Longevity, Wealth & Fame.
Procedure for Mantra Siddhi, Mantra Sadhana-
109,000 Mantra Jaap on a Cotton, Wool, Wooden Beads, Tulsi Beads or Rudraksha Mala within 40 days. Mala has to be of 108 Beads. Sit on a Woolen, Cotton or Jute Mattress.
The Jaap should ideally begin at around 12 am in the night.
Have a Bath before starting the Jaap or wash your Face, Hands & Feet thoroughly.
Light 2 earthern or Metal Lamps and put 1 in front of you & 1 in front of Devi idol or Picture.
Abstain from Intoxicants, Alcohol etc. Maintain Chastity & Sanctity.
The Jaap is to be completed in 40 days.
On the 41st day offer Coconut, Red Flowers & Prasad. Prasad can consist of fruits, Gudd(Jaggery), Chana (roasted & Salted Chickpeas), sweets etc. Feed atleast 1 poor child.
All your Wishes will be fulfilled if the Jaap is done with True Mind & Heart.
***WARNING*** Do not try to bring harm to anyone by doing this Jaap. If the Jaap is done for seeking revenge or with any inferior motives, it can be unfavourable to the devotee doing the Jaap.
*** WARNING *** विशेष नोट: इस बात पर विशेष रुप से ध्यान दें कि कोई भी साधना गुरु के मार्ग दर्शन में ही करनी चाहिए। विशेषकर मां काली की साधना कठिन होने के कारण केवल तांत्रिकों अथवा योगियों द्वारा ही की जाती है। माना जाता है कि भूलवश भी यदि गलत मंत्रोच्चारण किया जाए तो उसका प्रतिकूल प्रभाव भी पड़ सकता है तथा मां काली के कोप का भाजन बनना पड़ सकता है। कमजोर दिल के लोगों को मां काली की साधना से दूर रहना चाहिये।
Special Note- This is to be especially noted that any Meditation should be done under the able guidance of a learned Guru(Master). Meditation of Goddess MahaKali is hard & strenuous & is specifically done by Yogis & Tantriks. It is believed that if by ignorance or apathy the Mantras are pronounced or chanted wrongly then this infuriates Goddess Kali who then severely punishes the devotee. Weak Hearted persons should stay away from the Meditation of Goddess Kali.
Publisher- Jai Maa Shakti
Copyrights- GuruMan Music & Digital Media Entertainment
Lyrics/ Writer - Traditional Aghori Mantra
Composer- Dr.Harmeet Singh Arora
Recorded at Mahadev Studios, Andheri
God Bless All of You & Your Familes with Good Health, Good Fortune & Lots of Happiness.
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