On Aug. 23, 2024, Jamie Lizarzaburu was pulled over by a Kaysville police officer after she allegedly nearly caused an accident.
Police say she fled from the first traffic stop, leading police on a multi-agency chase across Davis County.
According to police, they were forced to PIT Lizarzaburu's car and shot pepper balls at her before she was arrested.
Read more: https://ksltv.com/674696/woman-with-multiple-arrest-warrants-in-custody-after-leading-police-on-multi-agency-chase/
Disclaimer - 00:00
Alleged Near Accident - 00:19
Lizarzaburu Flees - 1:54
Lizarzaburu Runs Signs & Lights - 03:17
Lizarzaburu Enters I-15 - 03:46
Police Stop Lizarzaburu on I-15 - 06:26
Lizarzaburu from Second Stop - 07:33
Lizarzaburu Exits Highway - 13:42
Lizarzaburu Enters Landfill - 15:40
Officer Hits Lizarzaburu's Car - 16:13
Police Begin Spiking the Car - 16:52
Police Final PIT - 17:53
Police Pepper Ball Lizarzaburu - 21:47
Lizarzaburu Arrested - 22:46
Lizarzaburu Placed in Patrol Car - 27:32
'I Don't Want to Get Assessed' - 30:13