(토마토퓨레만들기 재료)
토마토 3키로
말린파프리카 200그램
마늘 적당하게
김치 300그램
올리브유 3큰술
토마토퓨레 1컵반
물 500ml
진간장 1큰술
참치액젓 1큰술
계란 4개
Tomato Puree Making Ingredients)
3kg tomatoes
200 grams of dried paprika
Just enough garlic
(Tomato Pure Kimchi Stew)
300 grams of kimchi
3 tablespoons of olive oil
a cup and a half of tomato puree
500ml of water
1 tablespoon of thick soy sauce
1 tablespoon of tuna fish sauce
4 eggs