材料 :
1. 二至三塊片糖(甜度跟自已口味)
2. 馬蹄粉200 克
3. 涼清水1200 cc
4. 鮮馬蹄10 隻切小丁
製法 :
1. 將片糖拍碎
2. 在碢子內加600cc 清水和碎片糖慢火煑溶成糖䊢
3. 另外一個大盆加入600cc 清水和200 克馬蹄粉一起攪拌, 將其中1/3倒在另外一個l大盆, 兩份備用
4. 將新鮮切丁馬蹄加入片糖䊢開猛火煑
5. 將笫一份1/3馬蹄粉槳攪均加入糖槳內,攪拌至滾起離火
6. 將煑好#5 糖及粉漿加入第二份粉槳快速攪均
7. 將所有#6 攪好物粉槳倒下塗了些少油的玻璃或銻盆, 蒸45 分鐘放谅或入冰箱雪過夜才享用
Water Chestnut Cake
Ingredients :
1. 2-3pcs Slab sugar ( sweetness according to personal taste)
2. Water Chestnut powder 200g
3. Water 1200c
4. Fresh water Chestnut 8-10pcs diced.
Method :
1. Pounded slab sugar into small pieces.
2. Put 600cc cold water in saucepan, add pounded slab sugar and cook over slow fire until it turns to syrup
3. In a bowl, put 600cc of cold water n 200g of sieved Water Chestnut powder and mix well. Pour1/3 of the portion to another bowl and set both portions aside
4. Put diced fresh water chestnut to the sugar syrup and cook over high heat.
5. Pour the 1/3 portion of water Chestnut powder mixture (mix well before pouring) to the hot sugar syrup and mixed well, close fire
6. Pour the #5 mixture to the 2/3 Water Chestnut Mixture (mix well before poring)
7. Pour #6 mixture in a greased glass dish or foil tray and streamed for 45mins. Let it chill or put in the refrigerator overnight n serve the following day.