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ዮም - Yom 47,358 13 hours ago
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ለሁሉም ኦርቶዶክሳውያን ይደርስ ዘንድ ሼር እንዲያደርጉ በአክብሮት ትህትና እንጠይቃለን 🙏 #ጎንደር #ዋሻ #gondar #አቡነሃራ #አቡነሐራድንግል #abunehara #ዮም #Yom #media #አቡነሔኖክ #ቬሮኒካአዳነ #አባ_ገብረኪዳን_ግርማ Welcome to ዮም - Yom! Here, we bring you exclusive Ethiopian Orthodox Contents from various talented artists. Please note the following important information: Copyright Notice: All content on this channel are the exclusive property of ዮም - Yom Unauthorized reuploading, copying, or redistribution of any content without explicit permission from ዮም - Yom is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Support the Artists: We encourage you to support the artists featured on this channel by streaming their songs through official channels and purchasing their work. Links to official releases and artist pages can be found below. Stay Connected: Subscribe for more exclusive hymns: [] Follow us on [Facebook: Instagram:] Contact Information: For business inquiries, licensing requests, or any other questions, please contact us at: [[email protected]] Yom የተዋህዶ ልጆች like እና comment Subscribe በማድረግ ለሌላ ሰው እንዲደርስ ያድርጉ like እና comment ስናደርግ YouTube በራሱ ለሌሎች ይጋብዛል ሰብስክራይብ_Yom YouTube: #Like #Comment #Share #Subscribe #Orthodox #Ethiopia #Eritrea #mezmur © ዮም - Yom "እግዚአብሄር ኢትዮጵያን ይጠብቃት!" @Mahibere Kidusan @ማኅቶት ቲዩብ - Mahtot Tube @Quanquayenesh Media ቋንቋዬነሽ ሚዲያ @Rama Tube ll ራማ ቲዩብ Zemari Tadewos @Mahber Media- ማህበር ሚዲያ @AGAPE ZE ORTODOX ቀሲስ ዘማሪ አሸናፊ ገብረ ማርያም @EOTC TV @Mahibere Kidusan @Donkey tube @Hanna Yohannes-ጎጂዬ @Henok Haile - Official Channel @ቀሲስ ሄኖክ ወማርያም Kesis Henok Weldemariam @EBC @ebstv worldwide @Seifu ON EBS @Kana Television @Abel Birhanu #Subscribe #Like #Comment #Mezmur orthodox ethiopia #መዝሙር ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ #ethiopian orthodox mezmur #Tinsae #Fasika #Easter Ethiopia #ዘኪ ቲዩብ #ethiopian mezmur #የትንሳኤ መዝሙር #ከትንሳኤ እስከ ዳግም ትንሳኤ #Dagim Tinsae #ከትንሣኤ Yilma Hailu►Marta Hailesilasie►Nebiyu samuel►Chernet Senai►Hiwot Teferi #ፅዋ_ቲዩብ​ #TsiwaTube​ #newmezmur2020​ #tewahdomezmur #orthodoxmezmur​ #mahtottube​ #omegatube​ #aryam​ #mihretab​ #mehreteab #sibket​ #gubae​ #Lideta​#Bata​#Yohannis​#Abuye​#Abune​ gebremenfes kidus#Arsema​#Eyesus​#silase​#sositu​ silasochi# በስምንት ታላላቅ ዘማርያን የታጀበ የእልልታ የዝማሬ የምስጋና ሰርግ #Aba​ kiros#estinfase​ kirstos#hana​ mariam#abunehara​# dingil# kidus mikael#mikael​#melaku​ mikael#egizhaber​ abe#ab​#welde​#menfes​ kidus#abune​ aregawi#qirqos​#hitsahu​ kirqos#kidanemihret​#enate​#kidane​ mihret#semaetu​ estifanos#estifanos​#kidus​ gebrial#gebrial​#melaku​ gebrial#mariam​#dingil​ mariam#deginesh​#tsiyon​#tsige​#soliyan​#tsadikane​#urael​#kidus​ urael#kidus​ giorgis#giorgis​#teklehaimanot​#aba​ tekilehaimanot#cherqos​#kidus​ qirkos#medihaniyalem​#amilak​#eyesus​#hosahina​#lemariam​#amanual​#bale​ egizhabiher#yohannis​#markos​#ልደታ​ #ባታ​ #ዮሃኒስ​ #አቡዬ​ #አቡነ​ ገብረመንፈስ ቅዱስ#አርሴማ​#ቅድስት​ አርሴማ#እየሱስ​#ስላሴ​#ስላሶች​፣ሶስቱ ስላሴ#አባ​ ኪሮስ#እስትንፋሰ​ ክርስቶስ#ሃና​ ማርያም#ማርያም​#አቡነሃራ​ ድንግል#አቡነ​ ሐራ#ሚካኤል​#ቅዱስ​ ሚካኤል#መላዕኩ​ ሚካኤል#እግዚሃብሔር​ አብ#አብ​#አቡነ​ አረጋዊ#ኪዳነምህረት​#እናቴ​#ኪዳነ​ ምህረት#ሰማዕቱ​ እስቲፋኖስ#እስቲፋኖስ​#መላዕኩ​ ገብርኤል#ገብርኤል​#ቅዱስ​ ገብርኤል#ቅድስት​ ማርያም#ድንግል​ ማርያም፣ፂዮን#ሶልያና​#ፃድቃኔ​ ማርያም#ዑራኤል​#ቅዱስ​ ዑራኤል#መዕላኩ​ ዑራኤል#ቅዱስ​ ጊዎርጊስ#ጊዮርጊስ​#ተክለ​ ሃይማኖት#አቡነ​ ተክለሃይማኖት#ቂርቆስ​#ጨርቆስ​#መድሃኒያለም​#አማኑኤል​#አምላክ​#ባለእግዚሃብሔር​#ማርቆስ​#ዮሐንስ​#መጥምቀ​ ዮሐንስ #መስቀል አደባባይ #Abel Birhanu #Rama Tube #Rama Media #Rama tube # ll ራማ ቲዩብ Zemari Tadewos #Lij bini "እግዚአብሄር ኢትዮጵያን ይጠብቃት!"
