🔖 विषय: अकाल मृत्यु का क्या कारण होता है?
🎙️वक्ता: कृष्ण राधिका सखी देवी दासी
लोग अक्सर दुर्घटनाओं में , एक्सीडेंट्स में मारे जाते हैं और इनकी मृत्यु एकदम अचानक होती है, और कई बार इसका कारण अज्ञात होता है। ऐसे मामलों में, लोग भगवान पर विश्वास करना छोड़ देते हैं। लेकिन यह समझना महत्वपूर्ण है कि इस दुनिया में कुछ भी अकारण नहीं होता। हर चीज किसी कारण से होती है, यहां तक कि अकाल मृत्यु भी। इस बारे में शास्त्र क्या कहते हैं, यह जानने और समझने के लिए हमारा शो देखें।
🔖Subject: What causes untimely death?
🎙️Speaker: Krishna Radhika Sakhi Devi Dasi
People often die in accidents, mishappening and the reason is multiple times unknown. In such cases, people tend to gice up their faith on Lord. But it is important to understand that everything in this world happens for a reason, even untimely death. Watch our show to know and understand what the scriptures say on this.
00:00 Introduction.
02:40 Why is death considered as negative?
04:58 Should we talk about death?
06:24 Why are people shocked by untimely death?
15:33 How can one's karma be finished at the middle age if in Kali yuga the lifetime is upto 100 years?
20:24 If God is the reason behind every incident then why He does not save one from untimely death?
34:17 What about burning dead bodies technologically?
38:47 How can the people recover from bereavement who consider their family members as the center of their life?
43:33 What is sati pratha?
47:43 How to pray for the soul of the dead family member?
49:54 Basis of your discussion.
50:47 What should we recite if someone's death happens?
Question - Answer Session.
58:17 How am I responsible for my past life karma?
1:06:00 How can a five years old child do bhakti?
1:08:36 What should be done on someone's barshi?
1:09:41 What should we do if there is a deadly effect of black magic on someone?
1:13:00 What is the law of karma in the case of a psychiatrist patient?
1:15:28 How to get out of acute problems?
1:18:17 What is the significance of seeing the Lord and hearing His name in dreams?
1:19:13 How will the next life be if someone suffers after suiside?
1:22:09 Won't we have to go to hell if we do Krsna bhakti in this birth?
1:25:37 Why do we feel disturbed even after having faith in the Lord?
1:27:28 What should be done if someone commits suicide even after reciting Lord's name?
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