На примере показываю как сделать имитацию мох из шпаклевки Текс. Можно из акриловой пасты. И полимерной глины. Для Чайного домика можно сделать лужайку с пристройкой, смотрите в этом мастер классе.
You can make moss from acrylic paste, I use putty in the form of paste, sold in construction stores or in art. Spread the paste and using a sponge or sponge (foam) poke at the areas, work painstakingly to the desired result. You should get a fine texture. we wait for it to dry and paint it with acrylic paints (art paints). Can be varnished for protection.
Lichen (moss) can be made from polymer clay, I use the brand Fimo Professional and Soft. Colors - green, yellow, additional colors for mixing and getting different shades of green-white (normal and translucent), beige, brown, blue. Mix in the desired shade and pierce it, grind it with sharp tools. Bake the work in the oven. See the instructions for baking on your packs. ( Fimo for 30-35 minutes, from 110-140 degrees of heat).
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