This popular science animated episode starts with the theme that children are interested in: "Are there aliens in the universe?" It reveals the process of the origin of life and witnesses the entire life development history of the Earth from its birth 4.6 billion years ago until the emergence of human beings. Through interesting animations and stories, children can learn the following knowledge points: What was the Earth like at first? Where did the earliest water sources on Earth come from? Where did the earliest life originate?... It is suitable for children aged 2 - 8 to watch and learn.
#⼉童科普 #生物進化 #達爾文 #物種起源 #古生物科普動畫 #動畫啓蒙 #科學拓展#animation Children's Popular Science #Biological Evolution # Darwin #The Origin of Species #Paleontology Science Animation #Animation Enlightenment #Scientific Expansion