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गायक कलाकार गुना जमरे आदिवासी न्यू सॉन्ग भगोरिया का चौहान परिहार नया सॉन्ग

Nixon 29,593 1 year ago
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------------- Warning To All Creators ------------- It is illegal to Making Remix, Re-upload songs or videos from Rakesh Gokhale on Youtube and broadcast without permission. Therefore, you are requested not to do this, otherwise legal Action will be taken against you without any notice. Rakesh Gokhale के गाने या Video को Youtube पर Re-upload करना, रिमिक्स करना और बिना अनुमति के ब्रॉडकास्ट करना गैर कानूनी है। अतः आपसे अनुरोध है कि ऐसा ना करे, नही तो आप के ऊपर कानूनी कार्यवाही बिना किसी सुचना के की जायेगी । अगर आप को इस चेनल से कोई परेशानी हो तो आप 9131789594 इस नम्बर पर सम्पर्क कर सकते हैं आपकी परेशानी का समाधान 24 घंटे मे कर दिया जायेगा 🙏धन्यवाद🙏💕 ____________________________________________ YOUTUBE CHANNEL:- Rakesh Gokhale OWNER:-DINESH CHAUHAN AMLIYA PANI MO. 9131789594 INSTAGRAM:- Jakhiram Dawar FACEBOOK:- Jakhiram Dawar GMAIL:- [email protected] ____________________________________________ All Original Right ⚠This Video Is Just Entertainment... Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 Of The Copyright Act 1976, Allowance Is Made For "Fair Use" For Purposes. Such As Criticism. Comment. News Reporting. Teaching. Scholarship. And Research. Fair Use Is A Use Permitted By Copyright Statute That Might Otherwise Be Infringing Non-Profit, Educational Or Personal Use Tips The Balance In Favor Of Fair Use...! @"No copyright infringement intended" Disclaimer :- This Chennal is to entertain people and we usefully facus on entertainment about Rangilo Nimad Official ith international songs .it all for loughs so please don't take it serious. The Original Copyright (s)is (are) solely Owned by the Company/Original Artist- (s) Record-Label(s) All the contract are interested to Showcase the creativity of the Artists involved and is strictly done for promotional purpose
