📌粘米粉 – 200g
📌生粉 – 1湯匙
📌水 – 300g,水 – 600g 兩種水分開
1. 預先將輕身芋頭切片蒸熟,用手捏碎。
2. 熱獲下油爆香蔥頭,冬菇,蝦乾和臘腸,取出後,再將芋頭下鑊,倒進600g的水煮滾。
3. 將300g的水倒進裝著蔥頭,冬菇,蝦乾和臘腸的碗中,再倒進200g的粘米粉,攪拌,再倒進1湯匙生粉,持續攪拌成粉漿。
4. 將粉漿慢慢倒進煮著芋頭的鑊中,持續攪拌,依次放進五香粉,黑胡椒,鹽和雞粉,直至半熟,再倒進搽了油的模具中蒸35分鐘。
Chinese New Year Yam Cake
📌 Shallots
📌 Dried mushrooms
📌 Dried shrimp
📌 Chinese sausage
📌 Yam
📌 Glutinous rice flour - 200g
📌 Cornstarch - 1 tablespoon
📌 Water - 300g, Water - 600g (two separate measurements)
📌 Five-spice powder
📌 Black pepper
📌 Salt
📌 Chicken stock powder
1. Cut the yam into slices and steam until soft. Mash the steamed yam with your hands.
2. Heat oil in a pan and sauté shallots, dried mushrooms, dried shrimp, and Chinese sausage. Remove from the pan and set aside. Add the yam to the pan and pour in 600g of water. Bring to a boil.
3. In a bowl containing the sautéed shallots, dried mushrooms, dried shrimp, and Chinese sausage, pour in 300g of water. Add 200g of glutinous rice flour and stir. Then add 1 tablespoon of cornstarch and continue stirring until it forms a batter.
4. Slowly pour the batter into the boiling yam in the pan while stirring continuously. Add five-spice powder, black pepper, salt, and chicken stock powder, stirring until the mixture is partially cooked. Pour the mixture into a greased mold and steam for 35 minutes.