00:00 Introduction
00:26 Detailed church history book
01:39 The birth of the Christian Church
02:23 Judaism is the birthplace of Christianity
03:29 Judaism in the first century AD
04:10 Greek influenced by Hellenistic Greek
05:09 Palestine is under foreign control
06:29 Jewish sects in the first century AD
06:38 Diaspora Jews
07:38 The importance of structure
08:49 The compound
10:40 Summary of the cause of synods
11:50 Influential Jewish sects
12:28 Different positions of the legal text
14:59 Different sects or schools of thought
15:45 Flavius Josephus
16:29 John the Baptist and Christianity
17:5 Sadducees
18:02 Jewish scriptures
18:55 Their lack of belief in the resurrection and the angels
21:46 Pharisees
27:21 The jealous ones
29:39 hastening the coming of God's kingdom
30:34 Palestine under Roman rule
31:30 Jesus and his relationship with the jealous
32:51 Summary of the above
33:48 Essenes
37:10 Essene scriptures
37:42 Strange ideological manifestations
39:43 Christianity was influenced by the Essene School
41:38 Judaism, Hellenism and Christianity
42:30 Different perceptions of the expected Messiah
43:41 The origin of Christian dogmas
45:08 Diaspora Judaism and Hellenistic Greek
46:42 The Greek Septuagint
47:13 Greek pagan philosophy
47:51 Two models of Christianity
48:07 Jewish Christianity
49:17 Greek Christianity
49:32 The First Jerusalem Council
50:04 The doctrine between the two models
51:40 From Alexander to Bar Kokhbeh
54:28 Alexandria and the Jews of the Diaspora
55:12 Christianity meets three civilizations
55:50 Judaism was influenced by Greek and Roman
57:26 A timeline of the three civilizations
1:00:32 Summary of the above
1:01:37 Finale