“香港赛马会呈献系列:山林市城──游历旧园新景” 从当代视角出发,对中国传统园林进行再创作。中国传统园林的雏形约在公元前11世纪已经出现,至19世纪末,传统园林的发展已蔚为大观。园林与诗文、绘画相互渗透,是中国艺术史上不可忽视的环节。八个香港本地艺术家及艺术组合,既有新晋,也有经验丰富者,并肩探究中国传统园林艺术,实地考察故宫博物院、圆明园、颐和园、北海公园、中国园林博物馆等地,以此为灵感,创作了七件多媒体新作品。
“The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: Dwelling in Tranquillity—Reinventing Traditional Gardens” reinvents the traditional Chinese garden through a contemporary lens. The earliest garden appeared in the eleventh century BCE. By the late nineteenth century, the traditional Chinese garden was a magnificent spectacle to behold. It is an invaluable aspect of Chinese art history closely intertwined with literature and painting. Drawing inspiration from their field trip to the Forbidden City, the Garden of Perfect Brightness, the Garden of Nourishing Harmony, North Sea Park, and the Museum of Chinese Gardens and Landscape Architecture, eight early to mid-career Hong Kong artists and artists’ group present seven new multimedia artworks themed around the time-honoured principles of Chinese garden design.
Through kinetic, multimedia, and sound installations, the artists echo traditional garden philosophy and design in their works and the exhibition space also pays respect to Hong Kong culture. Among them, an artist and artist group are collaborating for the first time to create large-scale sculptures that speaks to the theme. A sound installation in this exhibition is accompanied by monthly live performances, which add a stratum of artistic complexity to the piece. Embracing new curatorial approaches, the exhibition offers a Hong Kong perspective, nurtures Hong Kong artists, and contributes to the study and appreciation of Chinese art and culture.