How to cook a Moroccan tagine
One kilo of lamb or beef
2 cloves garlic
A teaspoon of ginger
Half a teaspoon of turmeric
quarter teaspoon of black Peper
Half a teaspoon of salt
Half a cup of water
Onion, cut into small pieces
A tablespoon of parsley
A quarter of marinated lemon
A quarter cup of olive oil
4 pomegranate seeds
200 grams of jalapeña or peas
Tagine meat with plums and galbana
Moroccan tagine
how to make a Moroccan tagine
How to prepare a meat tagine with quince, delicious honey, irresistible, Moroccan tagine
Chicken and vegetable tagine
Chicken and fried tagine
Moroccan tagine
Moroccan tagine
Prepare a Moroccan tagine
How to prepare Moroccan tagine
Meat tagine
Meat and quince tagine
Chicken tagine
Chicken and ferrite tagine
Chicken and fries tagine
Moroccan tagine
Moroccan tagine
Moroccan cuisine
Moroccan cuisine
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#Moroccan tagine