মালেশিয়া, সিঙ্গাপুর, ইন্দোনেশিয়া, ফিজি থেকে অস্ট্রেলিয়া কিভাবে আসা যায়. Australia work permit visa.
Follow us: facebook.com/Bangladeshi.migrant.australia. Important links shown in this video:
Australia skilled occupation list for skill list for assessment and visa eligibility: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/working-in-australia/skill-occupation-list .
Many of the expats from Bangladesh, India, Nepal etc are currently working in different trade skills or occupations in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Fiji etc. Many of these people have the required skill for skilled work permit visa of Australia. There are several trade skills in the Australian immigration department’s skilled occupation list such as plumber, electrician, chef, arborist, mechanic, various construction work, air conditioning mechanic, plumber, painter, welder and many more. People who are working in these skills in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Fiji can apply for skill assessment to the Australian skill assessment authorities to get their skills assessed and then apply for the Australia skilled work permit visa if they can fulfil the visa requirements such as age, English skill (IELTS), years of experience, education and or training etc. There are many skill types of these sectors in the skill occupation list. So the first step is to check if the visa applicant’s skill is the skilled occupation list. This is a permanent visa, applicants can live permanently with family with some government benefits like free school for children, free general treatment, free or on govt subsidised courses for the migrants to get a job quickly. Basic eligibility of Visa eligibility for Australia skilled work permit visas are are: the applicant must have the skill from the skill occupation list. Must have their skill assessed by a skilled assessment authority in Australia. The applicants can check the required education, experience and English skill in this skill occupation list. To get this information the applicants need to click the ANZSCO code link. Note, these are not jobs they are offering, they are offering visa to workers who have these work skills. Most of these visas do not require a job offer, so cv cover letter not needed. After checking the eligibility requirements the applicants need to submit an EOI or Expression of Interest, which can be done free through the immigration dept website’s Skill Select page. If selected, the candidate will then get invitation to apply for state nomination if they are applying for a state nomination visa or get invitation from the immigration department to apply for visa after getting invitation. You will get the details in the assessment authority’s web site given in the skill occupation list. Minimum 65 point based on age, education, English skill, experience etc. is required for most visas. watch my video on point calculation for details on how to calculate point. Besides police check and medical test required. In less than 3.5 lakh taka a single person can apply. There is no fund show requirement for this visa, so no need to show bank statement. #australiavisa #immigrationaustralia #australiastudentvisa #australiapr #australiaprvisa #australiaworkvisa #australiaskilledmigration #australiatouristvisa
Simple Sonata - Sir Cubworth