जागो जागने का अवसर है फिर क्या जाओगे जब सीधे पांव पसारकर सो जाओगे, वाणी नानक व कबीर...
Wake up, this is the opportunity to wake up, what will you do then if you sleep with your legs stretched straight, words of Nanak and Kabir.
जागो जागने का अवसर है फिर क्या जाओगे जब सीधे पांव पसारकर सो जाओगे, वाणी नानक व कबीर...
Wake up, this is the opportunity to wake up, what will you do then if you sleep with your legs stretched straight, words of Nanak and Kabir.
जागो जागने का अवसर है फिर क्या जाओगे जब सीधे पांव पसारकर सो जाओगे, वाणी नानक व कबीर...
Wake up, this is the opportunity to wake up, what will you do then if you sleep with your legs stretched straight, words of Nanak and Kabir.