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曲げわっぱ職人|りょうび庵 フランス語で「男のワッパ屋さん」という意味の「るわっぱ」。伝統にしばられず、自分らしい曲げわっぱをつくりたいと、50歳で小さな工房を立ち上げた曲げわっぱ職人 成田敏美さんに、娘さんがプレゼントをした名前だ。その名の通り、伝統的な小判弁当箱だけでなく、樹齢200年を超える美しい柾目の秋田杉を使い、ワインクーラーや酒器など、従来の曲げわっぱの固定概念を覆す商品を発表し続けている。「伝統」×「デザイン」。これからも、笑顔の優しい職人の挑戦は続いていく。 会社情報 りょうび庵 秋田県大館市東655-12 映像制作 ニッポン手仕事図鑑 ビデオグラファー / BGM 佐藤 健 運営会社 株式会社 ファストコム ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Mage Wappa Shokunin | Ryobi-an Magewappa (bent-woodware) is a traditional steam bending woodcraft found in Odate, Akita prefecture. Magewappa products are known for the elegance of their straight grain and the rich light beige color. With the hope of creating his own unique Magewappa products, Toshimi Narita founded his own small atelier named “Ruwappa” when he was 50. This name was given by his daughter. In French, it means “a man’s wappa store.” Using slates of straight-grained Akita cedar, he has created koban-shaped bento boxes as well as unique products such as wine cooler and sake cups. He has overturned the stereotypes of Magewappa by proposing innovative usages mixed with “tradition” and “design.” This shokunin with a gentle smile continues taking on new challenges. Shokunin Information: Ryobi-an 655-12, Higashi, Odate-shi, Akita Video Production: Nippon Teshigoto Zukan Videographer: Ken Sato
