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※この動画は教育および情報提供を目的としています。 This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes. ※当チャンネルは動画制作時に視聴者が理解しやすいよう実際の映像を使用することがありますが、著作権を侵害する意図は一切ございません。動画で使用、掲載している画像や動画等の著作権・肖像権等は各権利所有者様に帰属致します。削除の要請等ありましたら各権利所有者様よりyoutube内の著作権侵害に基づく削除依頼をお願いします。 ※This channel may use actual footage to help viewers understand more easily during video production, but we have no intention to infringe on copyrights. Copyrights, portrait rights, and other rights of the images and videos used and posted in our videos belong to their respective owners. If there are any requests for removal, please contact the respective rights holders to submit a removal request based on YouTube's copyright infringement policies. このビデオ内のすべてのメディアは、レビューとコメントの目的でフェアユースの条件に基づいて使用されています。すべての映像、音楽、画像の著作権は、それぞれの所有者および企業に帰属します。 ※フェアユースは、著作権で保護された素材を特定の条件下で許可なく利用できる法律の原則です。 FAIR USE Title 17, US Code (Sections 107-118 of the copyright law): All media in this video is used for purpose of review & commentary under terms of fair use. All footage, music & images used belong to their respective owners & companies. ※ボディカメラ映像や同様の素材の権利は通常、司法当局または関連する法執行機関に帰属します。 We extend our heartfelt thanks for generously providing this wonderful police bodycam footage to the community. *This footage is used with permission. *Even when edited, the rights to bodycam footage and similar materials typically belong to the judicial authorities or relevant law enforcement agencies. Disclaimer: This channe shares police body camera footage of officer and civilian interactions for educational and informational purposes. The aim is to improve the relationship between the police and the public by providing unbiased footage of any misconduct by officers or civilians. The intention is not to embarrass, scoff, or defame anyone involved. The video is made purely for entertainment purposes, and any copyrights belong to their rightful owners. There is no copyright infringement or commercial benefit intended. Fair use is permitted for non-profit, educational, or personal purposes under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. ご連絡はこちらから↓ [email protected] #警察24時 #衝撃映像 #ボディカメラ#アメリカ警察#警察密着 #衝撃映像#ボディカム#bodycam
