ચંદ્રવંશી રાજપુત 🚩 સાંભળવા જેવી વાતો 🚩લાખણશીભાઈ ગઢવી 🚩 Lakhanshibhai Gadhvi 🚩Part-9 #Swar_Shakti
🔵Shree Mad Devi Bhagwat Katha Part-9
🔴Titel:- Chandrvanshi Rajput
🔵Vakta:- Shree Lakhanshibhai Gadhvi
🔴Videography:- Ganesh Film-Batva {Hiren Vadhiya-Mo.99094 62940} And Shakti Studio-Batva {Divyesh Chavda Mo.83478 39090}
🔵Aayojak:- Aai Shree Khodiyar Mataji Mandir,Maiyari Road Batva
🔴Editor:- Hiren Vadhiya
🔵Label:- Swar Shakti
🔴Pabliser:- Charan Hamir Mo. 9574 272829
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🔵--Swar Shakti
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Lakhanshi Gadhvi