Overcoming the sound barrier is a very complicate and consumable task. But is it possible to hack the physics laws and run faster than sound? How real is reaching the supersonic speed?
I in a VK: https://vk.com/pobedos
I in a Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pobedinskiy
Useful links (RUS):
All sound mirrors: http://www.andrewgrantham.co.uk/soundmirrors/
A camera that records the sound: https://photar.ru/soundcam-kak-uvidet-zvuk/
About sound in a bubble environments: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/v/gidrodinamika-volnovyh-protsessov-v-puzyrkovoy-gazozhidkostnoy-srede
Apersonalized: https://russian.rt.com/nopolitics/video/470554-bavariya-zima-hlyst