清明時節吃青團原本是江南一帶的食俗,這幾年“網紅風”吹不停,青團也紅遍了大江南北。不過就算妳吃過再多,也肯定沒嘗過國家一級面點師朱厘米老師的這一款:軟糯的青團裹上小西米,晶瑩剔透,口感Q彈又豐富。 腦洞大開的朱老師還做了一款小醜魚造型的青團,蠢萌可愛,圈粉無數!
Having Qingtuan at the Qingming Festival is a custom of the Jiangnan area, and these years it is brought everywhere across the country by influencers. Whatever number of Qingtuan you have had, this one made by Zhu Limi, our national first class pastry chef, must be new to you. This soft and glutinous Qingtuan is covered in sago pearls, crystal-like, bouncy and rich in taste. And Zhu is feeling creative today. He made a Nemo Qingtuan which is soooooo cute!