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#남미원숭이 #원숭이 #진화
[참고 자료]
- 한겨례 기사: http://ecotopia.hani.co.kr/255479
- 파퓰러 사이언스 인터뷰: https://url.kr/643x8s
- 내셔널지오그래픽 기사: https://url.kr/b3vtyg
- Robert Hoffstetter, (1972). "Relationships, Origins, and History of the Ceboid Monkeys and Caviomorph Rodents: A Modern Reinterpretation."
- R. Lavocat, (1974). "The Interrelationships Between the African and South American Rodents and Their Bearing on the Problem of the Origin of South American Monkeys."
- Mariano Bond et al., (2015). "Eocene primates of South America and the African origins of New World monkeys."
- Erik R. Seiffert et al., (2020. "A parapithecid stem anthropoid of African origin
in the Paleogene of South America."
[사진 및 영상]
- 셔터스톡 외
(1)Music: [Foam Rubber] by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License
(2)Aint Looking back
(4)Atlantic Tunes
(5)Dark Acoustic Western Groove