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"የምትችሉ እባካችሁ ከልጄ አገናኙኝ " ... ልጄ የት ነሽ? ልብ የሚነካ ታሪክ //በቅዳሜ ከሰዓት//

ebstv worldwide 276,338 3 years ago
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A Saturday afternoon infotainment show with magazine format; lifestyle, tea time guest, book review, music, cooking segment and many more…, every Saturday @2:00 PM only on EBS TV. #SaturdayAfternoonShow_EBSTV Subscribe to EBS worldwide: EBS TV – Established in 2008 in Silver Spring, MD, USA, EBS TV is the first privately owned Ethiopian TV to provide a niche transmission programming that targets the booming Ethiopian market globally. #Ethiopia #EthiopianTvShow #EBSTV #EBSTVWorldwide #EthiopianBroadcastingService # You're#1choice
