Irregular period cycle in female is one of the big and main factor of infertility or since bad lifestyle, intake of medicine for chronic disease, thyroid & other hormonal imbalance may cause of irregular menstruation cycle.
In this video @RJUPLOADED described the following factors that impact female monthly period cycle.
Why period cycle disturbed
Causes behind irregular period.
Main mistakes that women do which impacts on their menstruation cycle.
Delayed period but not pregnant.
PCOD PCOS also kind of important factor that delayed period cycle.
Ayurvedic drink that helps to regular period cycle into normal.
Home remedies that will helps to regulate period immediately.
Medical treatment for irregular period in female.
Some important ingredients drinks for irregular period that helps to normalize women menstruation cycle.
#rjuploaded #irregularperiods #pregnancy #infertility #menstruation #pcos #thyroid