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※ 참고자료·논문자료·자문 등 도움
- 카이스트(KAIST) 바이오및뇌공학과를 졸업하고, 의식과학 분야를 연구 중인 장현우
- Ventrolateral preoptic nucleus by wikipedia
: Anatomography, website maintained by Life Science Databases(LSDB)
- Sleep cycle
: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_cycle#/media/File:Hypro_zyklus_1_en_103.svg
- The Wave - The characteristics of an EEG
: https://www.firstclassmed.com/articles/2017/eeg-waves
- Wyatt, James K., et al. "Mesograde amnesia during the sleep onset transition: replication and electrophysiological correlates." Sleep 20.7 (1997): 512-522.
- Wyatt, James K., et al. "Sleep onset is associated with retrograde and anterograde amnesia." Sleep 17.6 (1994): 502-511.
- Revonsuo, Antti. Foundations of consciousness. Routledge, 2017.
- Stenstrom, Philippe, et al. Mentation during sleep onset theta bursts in a trained participant: A role for NREM stage 1 sleep in memory processing?. Universitätsbibliothek der Universität Heidelberg, 2012.
▪ 배경음악
: Burlesque Heartache - RKVC
: Ether Oar - The Whole Other
: We March Together - Patrick Patrikios
▪ 애니메이션 감독 : Studio G
▪ 음향효과 : 상업적 목적으로 이용할 수 있는 공정자료 이용 및 자체제작
▪ 기타 사진·영상 : 상업적 목적으로 이용할 수 있는 사진과 영상 이용
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