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Now Most of us have enormous interest for human happiness and Human Life well being.
Watch to know the full cycle of Holistic Approach to use and get benefited.
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https://youtu.be/zeZ9XaaMHHk - Control Diabetes
https://youtu.be/AtKZOk073fk - Prepare Herbal Drink
https://youtu.be/SH5YXw9vtqU - Water Medicine
https://youtu.be/vI5lPpHhsLY - Joint Pain Remedies
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Herbocare hospital Pvt Ltd. is the biggest holistic hospital chain of south Indian, was founded by Our Dr. SR Navinbalaji in 2014. Through continuous innovation in the footprints of Bible, Quran and Vedas, Herbocare hospital always follow the principle of holistic treatment is a perfect blend of ancient medical values with latest medical advancements.
Our hospital has 36 branches across 3states in India with 135 registered medical practitioners, 1500 trained staff, latest lab facilities and experienced technicians. We also provide inpatient facility in a serene atmosphere with 50 beds, 24×7 medical assistance and well-equipped ICU to provide utmost care. Herbocare hospital provides unique care through Indian ancient medical practices like Varma, siddha, homeopathy, ayurveda and naturopathy under one roof.
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