Watching the drama video through Azad Hind Studio HD YouTube channel Khageshiyamau ki Nautanki
Party owner Kailash Singh village Jagdishpur Goharaiya Mon - 7408474213
Party owner Rathore village Islamnagar Madhiya Mon - 6386151027
Party owner Shaukat Ali village Khageshiyamau - 84299 89172
Party manager Ram Ghulam Rajvanshi Kusaila 9648317928.
Party manager Raghuveer Prasad village Potabojh 9794135099
To watch new videos every day, subscribe to our YouTube channel Azad Hind Studio HD share the video with friends so that we remain motivated, we will keep bringing new music for you every day
Contact for video shooting videography-
- 7392001164
#Comedy -Video
#Islamnagar Madia's Drama
#Sitapur's Drama
#Khagesiyamau's Drama
#Jagdishpur Gaohrayya's Drama
#masti #nautankivideo #nautankinautanki #nautankiparty #Azadhindstudiohd