When Ben from Australia called the Stable office and asked a question that we didn't know the answer to, we knew we had to make a video! Thanks for asking the question on the Driver Profiles and Active Info Display on the Volkswagen Golf R 2018 2.0 TSI 310PS, we hope we've helped in this video. Do you have any questions that need answers? Fancy a FREE Leasing Guide? 👀 ➡️ https://stable.lease/freeleasingguide - - - - - Subscribe: http://bit.ly/stablenews T-Shirts: http://bit.ly/stabletees Latest Offers: http://bit.ly/stablehome Audi Offers: http://bit.ly/stableaudi Volkswagen Offers: http://bit.ly/stablevw Join our mailing list: http://bit.ly/stableemail Join our WhatsApp list: http://bit.ly/stablewhatsapp Thanks for watching, see you again next time!