This video shows how to remove and replace the VVT solenoid (Cam Timing Oil Control Valve) and the Camshaft Position Sensor. In this case, the o-rings failed, causing oil leaks. Check the Pinned Comment or below for Timestamps, Part Numbers, Torque Values, and links:
Timestamps, Part numbers, Torque values, links:
00:22 Diagnostics: the O-rings on these components failed and caused oil leaks
VVT Solenoid:
02:51 Disconnect the VVT solenoid electrical connector
03:53 Clean the electrical connector, if needed (I use CRC QD
Electronic Cleaner)
04:14 Remove the bolt (10mm)
04:59 Remove the VVT solenoid
05:22 Clean the VVT bore on the head
05:46 Remove the old o-ring from the VVT solenoid
06:04 Notes for selecting a new o-ring:
- Toyota part number: G1917-32010
- Size: metric, JIS P14 (13.8mm ID x 2.4mm axial CS)
- Closest SAE fit (will eventually leak): SAE -113
09:31 Install the new o-ring (coat with engine oil)
11:02 Re-install the VVT solenoid
11:54 Re-install the bolt (10mm, torque to 80 inch-lbs)
12:57 Re-connect the electrical connector
Camshaft Position Sensor:
13:16 Location of bolt for the Camshaft position sensor
13:51 Disconnect the vacuum hose and breather hose
14:19 Remove the bolt (10mm)
14:52 Remove the Camshaft position sensor
15:28 Disconnect the electrical connector
16:13 Camshaft position sensor on the bench
- Toyota part (sensor) 90080-19014, or Denso 196-1103;
Notes on new O-ring (I can't find the Toyota part number)
- O-ring size: metric, 14.3mm ID x 2.4mm axial CS;
- Closest SAE (will eventually leak): SAE -113
19:53 Install the new O-ring
20:48 Re-install the Camshaft position sensor
21:05 Re-install the bolt (10mm, torque to 80 inch-lbs)
21:26 Reconnect the electrical
21:41 Reconnect the vacuum and breather hoses
22:13 Double-check all connections and start the engine
Link to the Timing Chain Tensioner video:
I hope this video was helpful for you. Thank you for watching, and good luck with your repair!