Lama Zopa Rinpoche outlines how the Gyalwa Gyatso initiation integrates the stages of the graduated path for beings of lower, middling, and greater capacity. Rinpoche shows the parallels between each initiation and the path to enlightenment. For example, he explains how achieving the second initiation (the secret initiation) helps to achieve the illusory body, and the third initiation (the wisdom initiation) makes it possible to achieve the clear light.
Rinpoche highlights that all stages of the path to enlightenment rely on the root of the path: correctly devoting to the virtuous friend. This means to see the teacher as the Buddha. Rinpoche admits that it can be difficult to talk about guru devotion when giving a Dharma teaching; however, it needs to be done out of compassion to prevent people from making grave mistakes. If people are left completely ignorant about this subject, then they would make so many mistakes, all the way through, no matter how much Dharma they learn.
To show that correctly devoting to the guru depends on the disciple’s side, Rinpoche gives an example from the Buddha’s life story. The Buddha’s attendant could only perceive faults in the Buddha. When he heard the Buddha tell a woman that she would become enlightened due to the karma of offering him a handful of grain, the attendant thought the Buddha was just flattering the woman. He failed to see any of Buddha’s qualities because he hadn’t trained his mind. Conversely, Milarepa had unshakeable devotion. Even when his teacher gave him a hard time for many years, all he saw was the Buddha.
Rinpoche sums up how all the teachings of sutra and tantra support each other without contradiction. All the teachings of the Buddha are for one person to achieve enlightenment. Rinpoche says that having received the initiation, like the continuous flow of the river, we should continuously practice the profound yoga of the two stages based on keeping the samaya vows.
Rinpoche concludes the session by emphasizing that taking this time to do the Gyalwa Gyatso initiation has become a very important preparation for death. It will give freedom to use death as a path to achieve enlightenment. He reminds us that this retreat is not just for quietening the mind, it’s also for learning various ways to benefit sentient beings because we have to help them in many different ways.
From April 10 to May 10, 2004, Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave extensive teachings during the Mahamudra Retreat at Buddha House in Australia. While the retreat focused on Mahamudra, Rinpoche also taught on a wide range of Lamrim topics. This retreat marked the beginning of a series of month-long retreats in Australia. Subsequent retreats were held in 2011, 2014, and 2018, hosted by the Great Stupa of Universal Compassion in Bendigo.
Find out more about Lama Zopa Rinpoche, his teachings and projects at