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My ‘controversial’ to-do list strategy. Simon Williams talks to Abigail Barnes

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Listener Conversation: My ‘controversial’ to-do list strategy. 📣 This week on The Time Management Podcast I am joined by Simon Williams a listener who wanted to share their approach to Time Management off the back of listening to Episode 59 where I shared 5 Time Management strategies I abandoned that made me more productive. “When you change the way you look at your time, the Time you have will change.” Abigail Barnes In this episode we also covered: * When people say they don’t have time, what they really mean * “If they wanted to, they would.” M. Barnes  * 5 Time Management strategies I abandoned that made me more productive * 1. Eat that Frog * 2. Using Digital Tools * 3. Obsessing over Time * 4. Idolising Experts * 5. Ignoring my Human Design  * Simon Williams - 3M (Listener Tips & Question) * Thoughts on Distractions * Thoughts on Procrastination * x3 Time Saving Tips * 55 minute Default Meetings * Q. Abigail, how do you manage your to-do List when urgent things come up? * Episode 019 How to tame your to-do list: Using the Traffic Light Formula * Magic Time: Starts 6 December - 16 December (save 60% link below) * Over 10 days we are going to talk about: *  - Einstein Time vs. Newtonian Time *  - The truth behind Einstein’s theories of relativity and quantum mechanics *  - Experiments that prove YOU are the creator of your reality, like the Double Slit Experiment *  - And the Observer Effect *  - How time and magic intertwine, from ancient practices to today’s cutting-edge discoveries. *  - What your Human Design reveals about your unique relationship with time * PLUS using this information to Manifest your Productivity Goals in 10 days ⬇️ What did you take away from this episode, comment below ⬇️ ⏰ It’s your Time! ⭐️ LINKS FOR THE EPISODE: Magic Time | Runs 6-16 December | BOOK NOW: (save 60% Black Friday Month) Other useful Links: Simon Williams | 3M Consumer Business Group North Europe Shopper Marketing Lead – Office, Education and E-Commerce Channels,→ Connect with Simon on Linkedin: ⏰ Buy Time Management for Entrepreneurs & Professionals, by Abigail Barnes  - Free chapter:  - Buy the book:  - Buy it on Amazon (Available Worldwide) ⭐️SUCCESS BY DESIGN TRAINING SOCIAL MEDIA: Linkedin: Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: ABOUT ABIGAIL BARNES: Abigail Barnes is the founder & CEO of Success by Design Training, an award-winning entrepreneur, author, speaker, and corporate trainer on time management and productive wellbeing. She is a qualified coach and creator of the renowned 888 Formula. In February 2012 at the age of 32 Abigail had a stroke on a work business trip to Boston USA. This was her wakeup call; time is precious and we don’t have any to waste! Success by Design Training is on a mission to teach 1 million people how to Become the Productive Professional using The 888 Formula by 2025.  Abigail understands human motivation and uses her own near-death experience as a catalyst for change, to inspire, empower and teach others how to maximise their time. She holds a BA Hons Degree in Business & Marketing Management, a Professional Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing, DipM ACIM, a certificate in Neuroscience Professional Development, approved by British Psychological Society and is a qualified coach, approved by the Association for Coaching and the Institute of Leadership & Management, Portsmouth University Business School. Website: Email: [email protected] Audio Credit: Keith Hare ……………………….. ⭐️ ABIGAIL BARNES SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: YouTube: Tik Tok: Disclaimer: This content does not aim to replace professional medical advice or therapy. Please seek the support you need where necessary. Success by Design Training accepts no liability.
