Free Statistics Tutorial:
Another way of measuring the difference between two samples is to compare two unrelated groups or participants or samples. In this design, you measure two groups one time; in contrast, the previous paired test measured the same sample two times. With independent samples, you test whether the means of the samples are, not just different, but statistically significantly different. This test used the “between subjects” design. In this video, you will also learn about how to interpret the output of this test.
For more training about how to use SPSS, please check out these videos.
Levene’s Test of Homogeneity of Variance in SPSS:
How to do an Independent Samples t Test in SPSS:
How to Set Up Your Data for Independent or Repeated Measures t Tests in SPSS:
How to do a One-Way ANOVA in SPSS:
This video uses a dataset we create in the first video of the series and SPSS version 24
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Permissions: Statistics instructors, you are granted permission to link to this video and all videos on this channel for teaching introductory statistics. If you use them, I would love to hear about where they are being used so I can document for professional service. – Dr. Daniel