Book a same day tarot reading or FaceTime call with me here👇
Welcome to my YouTube channel soul fam👽
This is a safe space, my messages are meant to be empowering, uplifting and transformational. Thank you for being here.
Trigger warning! I don't sugar coat, I tell it exactly how it is and I do use profanity so if you don't like hearing the truth I am not the reader for you
Advancing with Wendy’s content, including tarot readings and spiritual insights, is for entertainment purposes only and is based on personal opinion. It is not a substitute for professional advice of any kind, including but not limited to psychological, legal, medical, career, or financial guidance. Advancing with Wendy assumes no liability for any actions taken based on the content shared.
If you believe you have a twin flame, soulmate, past-life, or other extraordinary connection with Advancing with Wendy, it is strongly recommended that you seek guidance from a qualified mental health professional.