08-27-21 The front tire on my 2007 Honda VTX 1300r was the original tire. After 14 years I thought it might be time to change it. I also put in a new valve stem. I have always run Dunlop D404 tires and had good luck with them. They stick to the road pretty well but the rear tire lasts between 7000 and 10000 miles, with 8000 miles the norm. This time I decided to try Micheline Commander 2 tires. The sidewall seems to be more firm than the Dunlops. This made it harder to mount, but the tire seated on the rim immediately. This is a long video so you might want to skip parts that don't interest you. I am not a professional mechanic and the video is intended to show you what my experience was like changing the tire. When changing this tire I found I really had to use my head. I also use Ride On tire sealer and balancer. The most important thing I think I learned on this tire change was I think I'm getting old. Do something nice for someone today.