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《情牵新马》第1集:峇株巴辖 - 凿石城音

8world 420,346 7 years ago
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12/9/2017 播出 石文丁是峇株巴辖的一个小渔村,渔家子弟蔡怀成从小憧憬新加坡的生活,一年前离开故乡到本地谋生。不忍父亲独自工作辛苦,他周末休假必回故乡帮父亲出海捕鱼。60岁的父亲年岁渐长,怀成期盼他早日退休,安享晚年。 78岁的王辉星是新加坡人,十多岁就到峇株巴辖经营茶叶生意。如今子孙满堂,想早日退休,但是心中放不下的是一群和他一起打拼的老员工。 63岁的符爱燕从新加坡嫁到峇株巴辖。一晃30年,子女都已长大成人,爱燕50岁那年决定出来创业,经营四间连锁咖啡店。嫁到新加坡的大女儿,为了减轻母亲的工作负担,毅然放弃高薪职业,带着孩子,从新加坡返回故乡助母亲一臂。 The pilot episode tells the story of a fisherman’s son, Seng, who grew up in Kampung Segenting in Batu Pahat and yet chose to work in Singapore instead of following his father’s footstep. However, he returns home every week to visit his aging father and assists him in his fishing trip. Ong is a 70-year-old Singaporean man who went to Batu Pahat at a very young age. After years of managing his tea factory in Batu Pahat, he hopes to retire and return to Singapore but could not bear to leave his old workers behind. Yan is a Singaporean woman who moved to Batu Pahat after her marriage thirty years ago. When her children have all grown up, she started her own café business at the age of 50. Her eldest daughter, who was married to a Singaporean, left her high-salaried job to assist her mother in Batu Pahat.
